
various artists


2019 download


kevin rix / 120
klaatu / instructing gort
philippe petit / cymbalomentum (movement VII)
richard lainhart / the orchestra of the damned
robin rimbaud (scanner) / what will come will come
vincent eoppolo / daedalus & icarus
alina kalancea / salt
david morley / buchlab
andreas tilliander / february 24, 2020
cray / dark buchla & 1 double gong
thomas dimuzio / orbit
gabriele gasparotti / istantanea n.32 (dal treno della via lattea)
david talento / up the hill backwards
batchas / up & downs
vincent eoppolo / pythia
radek rudnicki / mach200euw
philippe petit / electri-fried birds
rex maximus / nervous tics of modern insects
the sonny downs quartet / early morning sedation
ashley m. puente / perderme contigo
oïvind olsen / sonic breakfast
kai niggemann / fragil
mockingwyrd / light reveals
kurt kurasaki / the forest listens
stephen ruppenthal & brian belet / a strange diversion
warner jepson / the machine show (1969)
steve h / the closer you get, the further you are
klaatu / your choice is simple: join us and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliteration
philippe petit / farewell
rpe duo / thank you don
